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Heavy Duty Concrete, Prosoco


Concentrated power cleaner for concrete

Sure Klean® Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner is formulated for removal of concrete splashes, excess mortar, retarders, heavy efflorescence, embedded stains, rust and surface soiling from textured concrete surfaces.

This concentrated, general-purpose acidic cleaner improves the color and uniformity of most standard concrete, colored concrete, precast panel and concrete block surfaces. When used in strong solutions, Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner will etch concrete, It can be used for additional aggregate exposure ideal for “weathering” architectural concrete.

Word From Brick It:

This is the strongest cleaner we sell. If you tryied everything else and nothing seem to work, you have nothing else to lose, try this cleaner but:

Please be sure to read product data sheets. Test the product and your cleaning method to conform that it meets your expectations on a mockup wall, or in area of your project that negative results can be sacrificed.

FORM: Clear liquid, slight amber color


pH: 0.18 @ 1 to 6 dilution

WEIGHT/GALLON: 9.47 pounds

ACTIVE CONTENT: not applicable

TOTAL SOLIDS: not applicable

VOC CONTENT: not applicable

FLASH POINT: not applicable

FREEZE POINT: less than -22 degrees Fahrenheit (less than -30 degrees Celsius)

SHELF LIFE: 3 years in tightly sealed, unopened container

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