Thin Set System

The Thin Set system is very similar to the Thick Set one; however, there is no need for a scratch coat and the self-furring galvanized metal lath. The adhesive is applied directly onto a dry substrate. It is not recommended for damp surfaces. This system is normally used for small interior applications like kitchen backsplashes and other tight compartments.

Although it is not complicated to install, this system requires more masonry skills and knowledge than when using one of the Brick-It™ systems.

The Brick-It™ systems are easier and quicker to install, require less clean up, create perfectly aligned bricks with less effort and skill. Read more on Why Brick-It™ page

Note: The information presented here is an overview. For more information and complete installation instructions on all the systems, go to the following links or speak to a Brick-It™ representative.

Thin Set System

Thin Set System

3D System View

Please click on the image below to see all details of our system in a 3D presentation.


Ceramic tile installation techniques are often used to install the brick units:
The Tile Council of North America

The Brick Industry Association

Buy system components

All components of the system are avaliable to buy separately in our store. We recommend to use our brick calculator to estimate product quantity and price of your project.