Frequently Asked Questions

Does Brick It Issue Account Statements?

Brick It issues account statements bi-weekly. You will only receive it if there are is an open balance on the account.


Account activity statements can be obtained by request.

What Is An Order Confirmation?

Order conformation confirms the material quantities and agreed price of your order. It might be delivered to you in the form of a print, pdf or an email.

What’s A Picking Slip?

Picking Slip is Brick-It’s internal warehouse’s document that orders are packed from. This document generally doesn’t concern our customers.

What’s A Packing Slip?

Packing Slip is a document created in our warehouse upon order shipment. It confirms quantities shipped; NOT ordered! Those are two different things that do not always match.

Can I Receive An Invoice Before I Place An Order?

Upon request, you can receive a “Pro Forma Invoice”. This is just a different name for a Quote or an Order Conformation. All final Invoices will still be generated and sent to you for each shipment that occurs, and if anything changes during the sell process, those might not match the Proforma one.

We advise against usage of Pro Forma Invoice as your final Invoice. In order for your paperwork to match ours perhaps you should consider to:

  1. Issue a Purchase order to Brick It for the correct material quantities and price.
  2. Based on that PO, generate a Prepayment to Brick It
  3. Physically count the material upon arrival and compare it to Brick-It’s Packing Slips.
  4. Upon Brick It’s Invoice arrival, apply all collected information and documents to each other.
  5. This practice will ensure proper material and tracking through the entire process.
What Is The Difference between Estimate And Quote?

Estimates are typically none binding and not exact, presented verbally or by written document. They might change at anytime. Typically, we issue them when all details of the projects are unknown such as: exact product quantities, delivery quantities, delivery dates, etc. We do not accept prepayment on Estimates.


Quotes are prepared based on specific known facts and details. Those can be prepaid, converted to orders, and processed through our system. Quotes expire, and need to be updated after 30 days from issuing date.  

Why Am I Receiving Multiple Order Confirmations?

Any changes or adjustments to your current order will be confirmed by new/current order conformation document. Multiple smaller shipment created from one order is a good example of that.